Originally from Luton in the UK, but now based out of Melbourne, Australia my photography journey so far has been one of complete discovery. I have enjoyed taking photographs for as long as I can remember, although until recently, never having a sense of what type of photography I felt more comfortable in. Looking back at the shots I'd taken over the years on family holidays and various other trips it was always the scenic images that were my favourites.
Life for me literally changed with the birth of my first son, as not only did I become a proud father, I also purchased my first DSLR (Nikon D3000) as I had wanted to record his development with quality images that not only my wife and I could look back at fondly but so could he, and they would be slightly better than the crumpled and faded prints that my parents generation had of my sister and I as children. Always having the camera with us wherever we went I began trying to photograph the environment and scenery around us and I remember being quite frustrated that I couldn't quite understand why some of the magnificent sunrises we had witnessed looked completely over exposed and featureless, when surely it was a matter of selecting the 'Auto' option on the dial and the camera should do it for you. It was then I began researching how to use the camera properly and how to create an image rather than just take a photograph. I was fortunate enough to have a one-day landscape photography workshop given to me as a 40th birthday present by my wife, and it was after this experience that I knew this genre of photography was for me and things really took off. I now have my images on the walls of homes around Australia and beyond, as well as in various local businesses and have a long held ambition of owning my own gallery at some point in the future.
I love how an image can suddenly appear in front of you, when just a subtle change of light or a very slight change of angle provides a completely different composition to one that was there only minutes before. Its the complete unpredictability of nature that drives me, and like most other photographers, I've spent hours working on different compositions in order to achieve what I've seen in my minds eye, only for the light or the elements to be anything but co-operative. This frustration however, is overwhelmingly balanced out by the thrill and excitement when everything does come together as planned. I enjoy studying the work of the great landscape photographers in order to see exactly how they manage to portray such beauty through their lenses and am completely in awe of the work of three of them, Peter Lik, Mark Gray and Ken Duncan.
Please feel free to browse the galleries I have put together and I hope you get as much enjoyment viewing them as I have done in creating them. If you are interested in finding out more information about any of the images on display then please do not hesitate to contact me on the email address below and I will reply immediately. My work is always being updated so please check back regularly to see any new images.
Many thanks for taking the time to visit my site and you're welcome to return anytime.
email: mpbigmorephoto@gmail.com